Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12th Update: Instrumentals & Translations

Hey everyone - I've added some more instrumentals of Cheer's songs and also a couple of English translations. Here are the new updates:

Instrumental Additions:

和你在一起 (With You)

等待 (Waiting for You)
慢歌3 (Explain/Slow Song 3)

九份的咖啡店 [Coffee Shop with Nine Portions]

太聪明 (Too Smart)

静静的生活 (Live in Silence/Quietly Living)
最初的起点 (Businesswoman/The Very Beginning)

English Translations:

还是会寂寞 (Lonely Without You)
吉他手 (Groupies/Guitarist)
旅行的意义 (Travel is Meaningful/The Significance of Traveling)
华丽的冒险 (Adventure/A Fabulous Adventure)
太多 (Too Much)